Magnus’ Philosophy

Magnus’s Approach to Healing

My philosophy is a very simple, we are all energy and as such we vibrate at higher speeds when we feel good, are excited, happy, at peace, motivated, generous, loving, enjoying all that life to the full, enlightened, uplifted and in alignment with the creator. When we vibrate at lower speeds we are angry, ill, sad, ashamed, feel guilty, jealous, stingy, poor and not in alignment with the creator.

So my philosophy is to focus on the positive in every situation, look for the gold in another, whatever it takes to shift out of low energy to high energy do it. I’m not always happy but I spend as little time as possible being miserable, victimized, grumpy or offended. It is really not worth it. Why give your power, energy and vitality away because someone disagrees with your point of view. Let another be right and move on.

The Earth is 50% light and 50% darkness and we are exactly the same, but the biggest problem we face in the world is that we are taught to be “nice” instead of being “authentic”. We all love and we all hate but we are made to feel bad for expressing our hatred.

My ability to love is directly related to my ability to express my hatred for things, situations and people.

My philosophy is part of the journey that I am on to become a better person that I was yesterday. Not better than anyone else but simply better that my ‘yesterself’.

I am a strong believer in the Law of Attraction, so I know that whatever I focus on in my mind I WILL manifest, in the physical world. So every day I look for love and every day I find it. All my clients that have come to me for treatments did so because we both co created the experience.

My final word is ‘Life is what you make it’. Place your attention on being in perfect health, being financially abundant, having a tremendous relationship, making a difference in the world and being grateful for every day on this planet and you will see it all appear.

One Massage. Many Possibilities.

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