Our wedding

Our Wedding

Cathy’s Wedding Speech

• THE WEDDING OF MAGNUS AGUGU AND CATHERINE HILTON • 4 SEPTEMBER 2004 • Magnus Agugu I love you. Thank you so much for agreeing to be my partner. I am privileged beyond measure. You are my delight. My soul has loved your soul for a long, long time, and I am delighted to be here with you now. I wish to make you some promises – I PROMISE TO HONOUR YOUR SPIRIT. I promise to honour you, love you, support you and worship you. I promise to listen to you, be graceful with you, and make you smile, laugh and dance. I promise to create with you our futures, to reveal your dreams and my own, to make the most of our opportunities, to work well to achieve our goals, and to be still and patient and grateful for all life brings us. I promise to live life as a celebration. I promise to honour our finances, to be responsible, to do my share, and to be in integrity. I promise to create with you an amazing family, to grow children who will know love and acceptance, freedom and joy. I promise to be a sublime lover, to continue to explore with you this great gift, to delight your body and delight your soul.

I promise to be your friend all through your life. To still be entertaining you as we grow old, to be making your eyes sparkle when you are in your 80s, and to be at peace with you as this life ends. I promise to manage my expectations, and to have you experience being free to enjoy all that you wish in your life. • Thank you for your spiritual partnership, your love, your support and your generosity. I think your values are beautiful – your acceptance of everyone you meet is exceptional. Many people here today have been touched by your love. Your values are more Christian than most Christians’. You are a wild and fabulous man. You are a fantastic playmate. I needed one, and when, at the millennium New Year, you agreed to naked moonlit snowball fighting I knew we were going to be great friends. I am proud that my marriage unites different cultures.  Racism is a feature of the past not our futures. • Magnus, I thank you for today and every day. God Bless you •

“Your values are more Christian
than most Christians”

There are so many people to whom I am grateful for what has been created here today. Firstly to The Drewe family who own Oakover for extending their welcome to so many people. You have been extraordinarily generous. I have so loved living here, I find it such a beautiful place, and there was nowhere else that would have enabled such a celebration of life to be created.  As with everyone, we could not think of an adequate present to express our appreciation, but we have brought you fruit trees to grow strong and bear you gifts long into the future. • To my father for saying we could marry however we wanted, and meaning it. This is one of those intentions that we rarely mean as much as we think we do. Also for your financial generosity, and for your years of hard work that made you able to be so generous and make this celebration possible today. Also for creating me, bringing me up, putting up with me, loving me and keeping me laughing. • To my mother – your love and support go on and on and on. You are always there waiting to help, keen to support so many aspects of my life and join in any fun that’s going on. You welcomed Magnus and his family into our family with great glee and without reservation. Thank you for creating me, bringing me up, putting up with me and for so much love. • To my fabulous sister, for being such a quality support throughout the preparation of this wedding, your willingness and candidness have been a constant support.

• To The Agugu family – you welcomed me into your family before you knew me, and, happily, as you have got to know me, you have always continued that welcome. Evelyn, you are a wise and beautiful woman, you have the wisdom of the ages and you have taught your son well. Thank you for creating him, and allowing me to be his partner. • To Rosalind, for setting yourself up as a telephone helpline both for the gift list but also, very preciously, for anytime I’ve got stuck within this relationship or this wedding creation. Knowing you would always make yourself available and give wise counsel has been a great support. To Sally and Mike my wonderful flatmates, for putting up with a year of wedding fever and inconvenience, and going way beyond the call of duty in your assistance. For your humour, your time and effort and support for our relationship. • To Odyle for creating a beautiful intimate event to celebrate ourselves as women and to celebrate this woman going forward into marriage. • To all who have helped in ways that we know about and no doubt many that we don’t. And to each and everyone of you for coming today and joining this celebration. I will do all I can to live up to                the promises I have made here, and to honour your generosity and belief in us. Thank you •

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