“Thank you for making our Wellbeing Wednesday events so special and for supporting every event that we have organised. You offer your time freely and I know that our guests thoroughly enjoy the massage experience.
The proof that they appreciate having you there is the queue of people waiting for their turn. You are always the first to arrive and the last to leave, making sure that all those who are in need of a massage are given equal time and attention.
Having experienced your African Massage for myself I continue to recommend you to anyone in need of rejuvenation and a boost in energy (in fact most people!). Your massage technique is unique to you and it is wonderful to know that the knowledge has been lovingly passed down to you from generations in your family. Thank you for making it available to anyone who needs it and am also excited that you plan to share your knowledge by teaching others.
As you continue on your journey in helping others, may you be rewarded with the same amount of generosity that you so freely offer to all those around you”.
Rachel Scriven
Owner and Editor of Wellbeing Magazine
“I forgot how very, very exceptional you are as a masseur and healer until you came to heal the elders I work with. Thank you for giving freely to my friends. As you know many of the elders had contracted the awful virus that has been going around which left many of them low in energy – quite drained! At first they appeared tentative to your treatment but were soon very eager ‘to be next’ for a massage.
I overheard you speaking with some of the elders and realised you were saying to them what I would have wanted to say but haven’t. The world of school and work can very easily make us/me guarded and not speak my/our truth = this can affect the throat chakra and often does with people/me. To be congruent with people is essential for healthy relationship. I am very humbled by your generousity to the elders, giving of your time freely and with great love.
One thing that I have observed in the past are your actions in treating people with a sense of equality, making us all aware, even for a while, of our true sovereignty in our worlds. Bless you, Magnus and all the best on your path – you are sunshine on an overcast day = Keep Shining and Keep on Track, what you do is essential to many and it really is very effective!!”
Love and Peace Kim Dale – Activities Plus
‘Having a massage from Magnus is a totally relaxing experience. He has the most wonderful hands which have a very therapeutic effect on the body and indeed the mind. Whilst he is very friendly and welcoming, once the massage starts, I find I soon am absolutely content to let the massage progress with conversation suspended until roused at the end and sadly it is time to go! Magnus applies the degree of pressure that I like and I leave feeling so much better all over.’
Richard Penticost – Solicitor
One word my friend about tonight. Brilliant!
Simon Jordan – Simon Jordan Foundation
It was wonderful, I would really recommend it. He combined the massage
with questions and discussion which, like hypno leaves you both energised
And ready to go for it. It has had quite an impact on both me and, believe
It or not my husband and he wasn’t even there, but I was bubbling with
enthusiasm when he got home.
Marion Childs – Hypnotherapist
“Thank you so much for being so fantastic on Saturday at Dad’s 80th! A strange one for you to come to, but so many people absolutely loved their free head and shoulders rub! My little nephew Thomas was thrilled that evening and has decided you are the best! There is a wonderful photo of you massaging Mum which I will try and forward on to you in due course”.
Kate Day (daughter of Sir Derek Day)
Events Fundraiser
Helen and Douglse
“Thank You Magnus for taking up your gift. Use it wisely! Thanks for helping me along the path to “getting rid of the clutter” so I can be free to all I am. Hold onto your dream and keep helping others fulfil theirs.
With love from Jane Backhurst (monthly client from Belgium)
“Magnus is a wise man with very positive airwaves. As well as the amazing effect of his massages, his wise words have been a guiding light for me and my company.”
Nina Ludgate. Owner of Essential Weald & Rother Magazine
and Essential Media
“Since having massages with Magnus, I have felt less stressed, clearer in thought, more energetic and happier with what I have. Originally I came with the desire for muscular pain releif but have found myself reattached to my spiritual side. Life seems a lot less confusing.” Barney
“What a fantastic experience! I came full of worries and woes and walked away a different person, with a blank canvas to think through things. I am amazed and grateful – and you play reggae too! Wow!! I will be recommending you!” Sue B
Owner of TheTunbridgeWells.com Community website.
“A really nice relaxing treatment, with a very interesting technique. You have a lovely touch – just the right pressure and a wonderful healing energy from your hands. Thank you very much, I’ll definetly come for another massage.” Claire (osteopath)
“Thank you for a truly memorable experience. Physically relaxing.
Mentally stimulating.”
Mike Bott (consultant psychiatrist)
“A lovely end to a lovely day!”
Sue Rowland (physiotherapist) www.blackhamcourt.co.uk/web/page/22/Default.asp
A poem, “YOU SHOWED ME” by Tracy “Butterfly” Reed
I was chilling, listening to Angie Stone, when I thought about you
Mr Magnus Woyingi-Kuro Agugu
You see, with all these rhymes
I haven’t had time
To write you some verse,
So please don’t curse…………..
As I write my message to you Angie sings about no nore rain in her cloud
And I remember when I first heard her lyrics and sang them out loud.
Her song came out just after the time that you entered my life
And it was definitely the start of clearing out my troubles and strife….
You showed me how to forgive and let go of all my shit about him and
her and so and so.
You showed me how to clear up the past in order to release myself from my caste.
That helped in my moulding but was suffocating and holding.
You showed me how to enjoy myself again
Through gradually relaesing my pain.
You encouraged me to love my internal music
and how to make use of it.
You encouraged me to take a chance
And to express myself when I dance.
Breaking through has not been easy-peasy
And I’ve sometimes felt quite queasy
At the possibilities before me,
But you have encouraged and enabled me to be me
With your openness and freedom just to BE
With your support and your love
I’m now rising above
And when I look back at what I’ve achieved in such a short space of time
I’m inspired to believe that there ain’t no hill or mountain
that I can’t climb .
So I thank you from within or without
For you see,
Without your influence there is no doubt
That I would have had the confidence in my clout,
Or even the inclination
To spread my wings with love and determination.
I wish you a myriad of success
As you spread your love through life and continually progress.
As the Sounds of Blackness sing and as we so often play
“Everythings Gonna Be Alright!”, I say.
“You Have A Place In My Heart” and
“The Lord Will Make A Way”,
As we continue “Going All The Way” and embrace each brand new day.
As you now spread your wings and fly,
You beautiful “Black Butterfly”,
I want you to know that I see you like I see no other;
As my six foot eight best mate,
My bad and beautiful brother,
My friend
Because you showed me
How to be free with me.
Much Love Tracy 2002
“Personally, my right hand has been
much better – I haven’t noticed any discomfort which had become a daily
event, causing me to ‘avoid’ certain actions or be ‘protecting’ it and I
feel I’m walking with a spring in my step. I quite literally found
myself running about yesterday – partly because I had a lot to do but
also because I could! (I’m not known for ‘running’!) Immediately after
the massage I seemed to lose the power of speech temporarily but that
seems to have been restored! I really felt comforted and relaxed and
could quite happily have curled up and gone to sleep, like our cats do.
Many Thanks”. Elizabeth S.
“Wonderful experience. Really invigorating and energizingas well as truly relaxing & uplifting! The first massage I have ever had where I was smiling throughout and even wanted to giggle! A positive step forward I’m sure. Thank you Magnus.” Sharon
“With thanks from my heart for connecting with the inner me and for such a liberating and very special massage. Watch this space!” Jan
“Thank you so much for the beautiful massage, I feel so blissful and releived from tension. I was so confortable and relaxed and you made me feel very special. Thank you.” Stephanie
“Who need drugs and alcohol with one of Magnus’ massages” Suzi
“Magnus. Excellent, I’m not one for massages but truly enjoyed this one, I feel lighter & relaxed. Wow! What hot hands.”
“Wow, To think I wasn’t considering to get one. I was wide awake & now I want to sleep. Your wife is very lucky!!”
“Magnus, The massage was the bomb. When I go back to Washington DC I’m going to tell all my girls about the healing powers of your hands.”
One Massage. Many Possibilites.
“A revitalising massage! Much better than expected, well done!”
Kathy A
“Magnus, 10 minutes just wasn’t enough…. I want more – Sheer heaven”
Sofia PS (Thank you)
“Magnus What a wonderful experience. You have a unique and wonderful gift, it has been a blessing to have this treatment. May you go on creating the life you dream of, you deserve it.”
Nicola Angeline
“What a totally different type of massage. All consuming totally relaxing- Incredible, I will be back.”
“After a week + my back is feeling back to normal – the pain has completely gone and I can live my life to the full once more. It is such an amazing improvement – I can’t believe it. Thanks Magnus.”
“Thank you so much. It was so much FUN! It made me want to dance!”
Fiona x
“Wow! Just what I needed after a morning of quad biking! Thank you very much – a very different experience to a normal massage! Thanks again”
“Magnus – great massage at end of exhausting day!”
“I’ve had a few massages in my time but that was great – and very different sensation, but very effective… Thank you”
“Thanks Magnus for a marvellous massage. Now feeling energised, relaxed and positive. Keep up the good work”
Suzie x
“Magnus I came to you as a ghost – feeling lost in depression, thin of spirit, exhausted, labelled by doctors unable to help me. Just two hours in your company and I woke up. You seemed to see into my soul and instilled in me a joy and happiness that I carry with me all the time. The world appears now as a bright and shiny place, even on a rainy day I feel energised and full of good spirit – I am forever grateful for your insight, intuition and your magic! Thank you”
Amanda McCarthy -Action Idea Branding Consultants
“Magnus – you seem to find a connection within a person that could calm even the most stressed. You manage to overtake someone completely, taking them into a state of thoughtless, comfortable bliss! I hope you predict a long career and happy future for you and your lucky family. Good luck!”
Jimmy CS
“Wow! I’m still tingling! I have to say that is the best massage I have ever ever experienced! I LOVED IT! God I would have payed loads for that! Fantastic! SO SO AMAZING! Thank you for that massage, I don’t know what else to say – it was THE BEST! I feel so warm and tingly – yummy! THANK YOU – you are my hero he he! Lots of love and best wishes – never give up massaging you are the BEST! You can massage me whenever you like because it was that great. I also have to say – love the person doing the massage, so friendly and lovely you are so cool! Your magic fingers put me in heaven! You have a lot of talent – keep spreading it – you can make a lot of people happy! Lots of love and hugs,”
“Amazing all my muscles feel loose + relaxed but also very energised! I’ll be back for more!” Alethea
“Forget hot stone therapy, my back melted under the heat from Magnus’ hands – wonderful!” Gaynor Edwards- Ethical PR & Marketing
“I feel weightless and wonderful – Thank you,”
“What a fabulous experience!”
“Enjoyed my massage v. much – I felt v. relaxed. Many thanks”
“Very relaxing – eased my shoulder!”
“Great hands! Mandy”
“Magnus Thank you so much for my Christmas treat – truly stimulating and unique!”
“Magnus, Very relaxing & stimulating at the same time! The firm body massage to the beat of the drums felt as if my body itself was dancing. A truly different massage experience, with very different pressure points, fantastic
Jayne & still continuing to feel the heat sensation of warmth”
“A “Magnus Massage” was a Christmas present form my daughter. I didn’t know what to expect, but it has been a truly great experience! I have had regular massages, but nothing to compare with this. I feel great and will come again!! Thank you.”
“A truly relaxing experience”
Magical. Just what I needed today. I have needed reminding “I can control my life”. Thank you.
“Magnus, what a truly amazing feeling! I will be floating for days!
Thank you,”
“Magnus, A truly memorable evening. The best massage I have ever had and believe me I have had a few. Many thanks, see you soon I am sure.”
“Very unusual, filled me with energy and left me relaxed, I enjoyed it very much”
“What a different massage. Very relaxing but very powerful. I really enjoyed it. Thanks a lot.”
Rita D
“Really nice + different massage full of energy. Feel very relaxed + an inward tranquillity. Thank you”
“Thank you Magnus for rescuing me out of my flu. My headache has gone, I feel relaxed, decongested and rejuvenated.”
Richard Whitehead – Davis Learning Foundation(Dyslexia)
“Really felt wonderful.”
“Fantastic massage – the best ever.”
Amanda S
“Has healing hands! Will definitely book a follow up appointment!”
“What a totally relaxing experience! Lovely, would do it again”
Samantha Thank you
“Wonderful experience unlike any other massage!”
“Pain went immediately – warm feeling where pain was”
“Totally relaxing. Would recommend.”
“A very relaxing experience. I feel cleansed and fresh.”
“Very relaxing and soothing.”
“A wonderful experience. Best massage ever. Trusted Magnus implicitly.”
“I went into the massage feeling groggy and feverish and emerged feeling revived and refreshed with renewed energy! Thank you for a wonderful time”
“Oh my God – this is an experience. What hands! A superb massage, the warmth + heat generated is amazing.”
“Magnus. Thank you for the energy you give. I feel it still. Refreshed and invigorated.”
Pete Langdown (the creator of this website)
“Fantastic massage! Walking on air now”
“Magnus Thank u much for the massage. Felt really good & feel much better after. Thanks again”
“Magnus Thank you for an excellent massage! It was incredibly relaxing + music was great. Thanks for working on my stress spots.”
Monica – Visionary Soap Company
“Thank you Magnus, I feel spiritually uplifted in another place + at peace (Wonderful are your hands)”
Kerry x
“Smiling hands!”
“So Zen! Thanks”
“Magnus my first visit to you a month ago held no expectations. I have Osteoarthritis in both knees, the right one being more painful. Happy to say I have had no pain for the last 4 weeks, taken no pain relief for my knee. Look forward to my next visit. Many thanks”
“Thank you so much – I feel somewhat lost for words, but extremely uplifted and relaxed and very good!“
“That was the most amazing experience of my life and I feel a new woman. It’s a definite must for everybody. Thank you”
“Magnus, the rhythm of your hands together with the drums becomes one magical experience – the relaxation is total.”
“Thank you for a truly amazing experience – you found tension + released it that I was unaware of. Your power and sheer MAGIC in your hands is beyond words. The drums are the perfect accompaniment.”
One Massage. Many Possibilities.

Phone to Book today on: 0800 093 6309
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